27 Nov 2019

If you would like to order a copy, your options are as follows:
a) Order and pay in person at our school office. Once printed, the cook books will be available for $12, or if postage is required, $15.
b) Send a $15 cheque or money order made payable to Tottenham Central School. Please ensure you include the details of where we are to post your cook books.
c) Pay online by following these steps:
1. Go to the Tottenham Central School website: https://tottenham-c.schools.nsw.gov.au.
2. Select MAKE A PAYMENT from the tabs at the top of the home page, this will take you to a secure page.
3. In 'Student Details' enter payers name for mandatory * fields and the date of birth as 10/10/2010. Other fields do not need to be filled in.
4. Complete 'Contact Details' section.
5. In 'Payment Items' section choose 'Other' in payment type and for description use 'Cook book' and enter the amount $15 if the book is being posted or $12 if being collected from school.
6. Complete 'Card Details'.
7. Confirm payment.
8. If payer has paid for postage please email receipt to tottenham-c.school@det.nsw.edu.au and include the address that the cook book is to be sent to.
Please remain patient with us as we work through the orders and arrange printing. We will be on holidays from the 19 December 2019, returning 3 February 2020. We promise we will get them to you, but first and foremost we have a school to run and an education to provide for our wonderful students.